Author Guidelines
1. Format for publications
Authors should mention the type of the submitted article: Research Article, Short Communication, or Review
1.1 Research article
Research articles are original and innovative reports which represent the major advance in biochemistry or molecular biology with deep discussion in the understanding of a significant problem. They should have no more than 50 references. Research articles usually typed between 3,000 ~ 5,000 words of text (including references and figure captions) are expected to present a major advance. The experimental procedure should be given in sufficient detail to support the reports.
1.2 Short communication
Short communication is a short report that presenting preliminary results with potentially exceptional relevance or giving details of new models, innovative methods, techniques, or apparatus. Short communication article should be no more than 2500 words (including references and figure captions) and must at least has 10 primary references.
1.3 Review
Review articles are summaries of excellent scientific research articles which deal with the specific research areas of high interest in any area that falls under biochemistry and molecular biology scope. A review article can be written up to 5000 words (including references and figure caption) and around 80% of references must be from primary articles.
2. Manuscript submission
Manuscripts should be written clearly and simply so that they are accessible to readers in other disciplines. The decision of the publication will be notified to the authors using email. Repeated submission of the same paper will not be acknowledged. All paper submissions will be treated as confidential documents. The editor will decide who will review the article and it is not necessary to include the reviewer provided by the author. A research paper that is selected for in-depth review is evaluated by at least two reviewers. Reviewers are asked to return comments within 1 to 2 weeks. Selected papers are edited to improve accuracy and clarity and for length.
The editor makes decisions about accepted papers as soon as possible. All manuscripts are handled electronically throughout the process. Authors will be informed within a week if the paper is not being considered.
3. Manuscript format
All manuscripts should be typed in 1,5 line spacing and use line numbers for all manuscripts (see the Template). Tables and figures supporting the reports must be grouped and placed at the end of the manuscript (after the references).
The manuscript should be between 9 – 15 pages (including tables and figures). We only receive digital files of the manuscript (word file), authors must ensure that the PC used to write the manuscript is free of viruses. The research article should be divided into the following headings:
- Title page
- Author’s information
- Abstract
- Keywords
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Acknowledgment
- Funding information (if any)
- Conflict of interest
- Author contribution (please refer to CRediT Taxonomy, here)
- References
- Figure caption
- Tables
- Figures (Author is allowed to separate the figure in PPT file)
Format for a review article is basically the same as the above, but change the result and discussion with the specific title heading.
3.1 Title Page
The title page should include a complete manuscript title (no more than 25 words) and a short title which will be used as a “running head”. The short title should not exceed 60 characters including space.
3.2 Authors information
The author's information must include the full name of each author (without title), the present address, and the department and institution in which the work was conducted. Add phone, fax numbers, and E-mail addresses for the corresponding author. Also, please provide an ORCID ID if possible.
3.3 Abstract
For original articles, a structured abstract of no more than 250 words should use all of the following headings: Background, Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. The author must avoid the use of abbreviations, acronyms,s or measurements unless it is essential. The editor has the right to edit the abstract to improve clarity.
3.4 Keywords
The author must provide 3 to 5 keywords written alphabetically.
3.5 Introduction
State the objectives of the study and provide an adequate background, avoiding a detailed literature survey or describing the results.
3.6 Methods
Methods should include relevant details on the materials and experimental design and techniques so that the experiments can be repeated. Names of products and manufacturers should be included only if alternate sources are deemed unsatisfactory. Novel experimental should be described in detail. If a previous researcher method is used, please describe briefly that method and describe in detail if you make any modifications to the procedure.
3.7 Results
These should be presented precisely without discussion of their importance. Do not duplicate information contained in tables and figures. The result must not contain any references.
3.8 Discussion
This should directly relate to the results of the study. Do not provide a general review of the topic.
3.9 Conclusion
You may state the main conclusion of your study. If possible, provide recommendations or suggestions for further research.
3.10 Acknowledgement
Acknowledgments should be made only to those who have made a substantial contribution to the study.
3.11 Author contribution
Please refer to CRediT Taxonomy, here.
3.12 References
Acta Biochimica Indonesiana follows the Vancouver citation style. If you use a reference manager, select PLOS type reference. References only list the published or accepted material for publication and should be at least 80% primary references (journal articles). Accepted article(s) but not yet published should be sent as a manuscript appendix. Website, personal communications, unpublished data should be incorporated in the text in parentheses. Example: ... to search the similar gene with obtained DNA sequence, comparation for homology was done by BLAST search ( Personal communication needs to be written with the initials surname of the source accompanied with the year of the statement, e.g., (William 2007, personal communication).
3.13 Tables
These should be typewritten, single-spaced, each one on a separate page, and numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. Tables should include a short but concise title. Vertical and horizontal lines should be avoided in the tables. Place explanatory matter in footnotes, including any non-standard abbreviation. If data from another published or unpublished source are used, obtain permission and acknowledge fully. Numbers and table titles are written in 10 point Times New Roman font.
3.14 Figures
Submit each figure as a separate file in Microsoft PowerPoint with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Number figures consecutively using Arabic numerals. Submit photographs scaled as near to printed size as possible. Arrows should be given to point to certain objects. If magnification is significant, indicate using a bar on the print rather than a magnification factor in the figure legend (see “10. Example”).
Give each figure a caption containing sufficient information to make the figure intelligible without the reader having to refer to the text. Key all the legends together. If a figure has been published previously, acknowledge the original source and submit written permission from the copyright holder to reproduce it.
3.15 Statistical graphs
Give standard deviation to every mean value. Authors that used Microsoft Excell Program need to give the raw data.
3.16 Abbreviations and Units
Generally, units must be abbreviated according to the International System of Units (SI units: It is important to maintain the capital letters and lower case letters as they appear in the abbreviation to avoid confusion with other abbreviations. In devising such abbreviations and symbols, the recommendations of the Nomenclature Committee of IUBMB and the IUPAC-IUBMB Joint Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature (see should be followed as far as practicable.