Young Scientists Program (YSP 2019) will take place at Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 15 – 18 August 2019. YSP 2019 will bring together registered PhD candidates and early career scientists of not more than 10 years post-graduate experience from IUBMB Constituent Member countries/regions to attend and present their research work at the 27th FAOBMB-44th MSBMB Conference. YSP 2019 offers the opportunity for these young scientists to share and exchange scientific experiences, present their work to an international audience, meet internationally renowned professors and promote their scientific future and career.
We encourage all PhD candidates and early career scientists to submit their applications for the YSP Travel Fellowships. The fellowship contributes towards partial or full traveling expenses. The awardees will participate in the YSP at no cost and will be exempted from the costs of registration and accommodation for the 27th FAOBMB & 44th MSBMB Conference, Kuala Lumpur (19th – 22nd August 2019).
* Overview
Date: 15 – 18 August 2019
Venue: Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus
Program: Oral & Poster Sessions, Networking Night, Kuala Lumpur Day Tour
All of the awardees must present their work at YSP by both oral communications and posters. These posters will be also displayed during the 27th FAOBMB & 44th MSBMB Conference.
* Key Dates
31 January 2019: Fellowship Application and Abstract submission deadline.
15 March 2019: Winners of YSP fellowships will be announced.
* Benefits
Full accommodation (in shared rooms) during the Young Scientists Program (15 – 18 August 2019) as well as during the 27th FAOBMB & 44th MSBMB Conference, Kuala Lumpur (19 – 22 August 2019).
Travel grants that contribute towards the return airfare (economy class) from the applicant’s country of residence.
Registration fee waiver for the 27th FAOBMB & 44th MSBMB Conference.
* Eligibility
Applicants should:
Be registered PhD candidates or early career scientists of not more than 10 years post-graduate experience
Be a member of ISBMB / PBBMI
* (NOTE: Applicants who have previously been awarded a Fellowship to attend a YSP meeting organised through the IUBMB, FEBS, FASBMB, PABMB or FAOBMB will not be considered.)
* Application
Download the Application Form HERE
Applicants must complete the following sections of the Application Form:
Part 1: Personal information
Part 2: Education, Career Experience and Awards Received
Part 3: Publications
Part 4: Statement of Purpose
Part 5: Abstract
Part 6: Two (2) Letters of Recommendation
* Attachments required
1. Certification of the applicant’s current membership in ISBMB / PBBMI
2. All of the above documents should be merged into a single PDF file.
The filename should be saved as follows:
Application for YSP2019_Lastname_Firstname.PDF
The assembled PDF file must be sent by email ( by 31 January 2019.
*The application deadlines are based on Malaysian Standard Time. (GMT+8)
* YSP Inquiries
For any questions or inquiries regarding the Young Scientists Program, please contact the Conference Secretariat at
IUBMB-YSP 2019 Secretariat
Dr. Yap Wei Hsum
Tel: (+60) 3 5659 5650
Fax: (+60) 3 5659 5000
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